The Condenser - Passive Ventilation with Architectural Louvers

The Condenser - Passive Ventilation with Architectural Louvers

Let the wind do the work without exposing occupants to the elements. Provide passive ventilation and protect outdoor spaces with lightweight architectural louvers. Learn more on the Newsstand.

Imagine an open space that receives fresh air from outdoors, while still being protected from the elements. This space could be an outdoor dining area during a pleasant evening or a large indoor parking garage.

The garage will need ducts to move air throughout the premises, but the dining area can get by without any equipment. The wind can ventilate this space. You can’t get much more efficient than using wind power to cool a space.

Image of a louver wall with red and white louver panels

Passive ventilation provides fresh air without fans or ductwork. Nature takes care of moving air through the space, assuming the air has intake and exhaust points.

You can have unprotected opening for your outdoor dining area, but customers will be drenched if rain passes through. Like any ventilation point on a building, louvers can help protect these spaces from the elements.

Architectural louvers use a “thin line” design These louvers are typically around half an inch deep. They can provide a basic layer of protection from rain, depending on their blades. Architectural louvers are also highly versatile.

Illustration of an architectural louver with passive ventilation

Due to their lightweight design, architectural louvers can be mounted into any opening or space. Cover wide openings by utilizing multiple louver panels with hidden mullions. You can also mount them onto walls or along a building’s envelope by employing vertical blade supports.

Vertical blade supports eliminate the need for a discrete frame by providing structural support to the blades. This creates modern design options.

Before you choose louvers, make sure you understand the needs of the project. Let’s go back to the open-air seating. Architectural louvers will protect customers from light rain and light winds. The thin line design can still deflect rain drops and keep them on the face side of the louver. You will need a larger louver to protect the space from heavy weather.

Illustration of an architectural louver with vertical blade supports

This is an architectural louver with vertical blade supports. Use these for a "frameless" look.

Standard louvers can be anywhere from two to four inches deep, while severe weather louvers can have a frame depth of four to six inches. These louvers aren’t designed to be free-standing assemblies and will need to be anchored to a substrate for support. The level of protection required will depend on a variety of factors, including the surrounding climate.

Storm-ready louvers are tested for rainfall rejection and will have data on their submittals. Regardless of which louver you choose, always make sure to check the louver’s submittal for details.

Image of a louver wall with vertical blades

Consider adding architectural louvers to your next project. At Airline Louvers, we work with architects and contractors to find the perfect louvers for their designs. Contact Airline today and let's work together on your next project.


For more on louvers, check out these Newsstand articles:

Mestek Commercial Damper and Louver Group

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  • Air Balance
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