Three Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality

The Condenser - Passive Ventilation with Architectural Louvers

Selecting Dampers for Office Building HVAC

The Condenser - A Closer Look at Fusible Links for Fire Dampers

Damper Showdown - Smoke Dampers versus Fire-Smoke Dampers

Fire Damper Sleeves - A Crucial Component

The Condenser - Breakaway Connections for Fire Dampers

Life Safety in HVAC - What are Smoke Dampers?

The Condenser - Frame Depth for Louvers and Dampers

The Condenser - The Temperature Rating of Smoke Dampers

Zone Control Dampers and HVAC Efficiency

The Condenser - Understanding the Fire Resistance Rating

Finding the Right Storm Louver

The Condenser - Acoustic Louvers for Noisy Projects

Preparing for Storm Season with Louvers

The Condenser - Ventilation Louvers for Maximizing Airflow

Problem Solving with Louvers

The Condenser - Door Louvers and What They Do

Louvers for Aesthetic Architecture

The Condenser - Miami Dade Louvers for Hurricane Protection

Penthouses - Roof Louvers for HVAC

The Condenser - Glazing Frames for Louvers

The Condenser - Dampers in Ducts

Fire Damper Types and Benefits

The Condenser - HVAC Smoke Detectors, Flow and No-Flow

Passive Fire Protection for HVAC

The Condenser - Fire Response for Life Safety Dampers

Life Safety in HVAC - What is a Fire Damper?

The Condenser - A Closer Look at Remote Test Boxes

Duct Dampers - Choosing, Sizing, and Installing for Duct Work

The Condenser - Temperature Limits for HVAC Dampers

HVAC Damper Control - Automation Equipment for Dampers

The Condenser - Blade Design for Dampers

Pressure Drop in HVAC

The Condenser - A Closer Look at Curtain Blades

Louvers and Privacy: Creating Private Spaces with Louvered Screens

The Condenser - Vertical Blade Supports

Finish Types and Benefits

The Condenser - Three Key Traits of Wind Driven Rain Resistant Louvers

AMCA 540: Large Missile Impact Testing for Hurricane Louvers

The Condenser - Water Infiltration and Louvers

Hurricane Louvers and Severe Duty Protection

The Condenser - A Closer Look at Straight Blades

Damper Showdown - Round Dampers vs. Transition Collars

The Condenser - A Closer Look at Insulated Blades

Louver Specifications - The Blueprint for HVAC

The Condenser - A Closer Look at Baffle Blades

Understanding Your Dampers - Important Factors for Damper Installation

The Condenser - Hand Quadrants and Cranks

Drainable Louvers for Rainy Days

The Condenser - Chevron Blades for Severe Weather

Damper Showdown - Control Dampers vs. Backdraft Dampers

The Condenser - A Closer Look at Pin-Lock Axles

Four Questions on Louver Location

The Condenser - A Closer Look at Damper Linkage

Five Things to Know When Selecting Dampers

The Condenser - Subframes for Louvers

Blades with a Purpose - For Louvers and Dampers

The Condenser - A Closer Look at Blade Seals

The Big Three Metals for Louvers and Dampers

The Condenser - Equipment Screens for Rooftops

Five Specialty Dampers for HVAC Design

The Condenser - Product Spotlight: The 517-518 Series

Five Things to Know When Choosing Louvers

The Condenser - Hat and Channel Damper Frames

Connecting Dampers and Multi-panel Assemblies

The Condenser - Pneumatic Actuation

Sunshades for Passive Cooling

The Condenser - A Closer Look at Blade Axles

Four Ways to Make Efficient Airflow Dampers

The Condenser - Product Spotlight: The EA-531-D Series

Three Common Types of Intake Louvers

The Condenser - Louver Style for Building Aesthetics

Innovations in HVAC - Virtual and Augmented Reality

The Condenser - Product Spotlight: The AS3D99VS

Round Control Dampers for Spiral Ducts

The Condenser - Open and Closed, DPI Switches

Anatomy of a Damper

The Condenser - The Importance of Maintenance

Innovations in Construction - Planning in 3D

Damper Blades, A Primer

Innovations in HVAC - Smart Systems

The Condenser - The Louvered Look with Combination Adjustable Louvers

Innovations in Architecture - Sunflower Villages

Combination Stationary - Two-in-One Louver Solutions

Newsstand in the News - Smart Cement

The Condenser - Product Spotlight: The AFD-20 Series Control Damper

Newsstand in the News - Unprecedented Heatwave Shatters Record Highs

Air Performance and Control Dampers

Balanced Flow - Static vs Dynamic Pressure in HVAC

The Condenser - Louver Insect Screens and Uninvited Guests

Important Terms for Louvers and Dampers

The Condenser - Mullions, Dividing Lines

Louvers by the Numbers

The Condenser - Flange Frames for Seamless Design

Thank you, Newsstand Readers

Damper Dimensions

Options for Louvers: Finishes, Frames, and Other Louver Accessories

The Condenser - Anatomy of a Louver

Options for Control Dampers - Damper Actuators, Linkage, and More

The Condenser: Extendables - Extensions for Damper Blade Shafts

Air Leakage - The Performance Killer

The Condenser - Air Performance and Keeping the Flow

The Condenser: UL and You

Ten Important Traits of Highly Effective Louvers

The History of MCDLG

Tough Times - Then and Now

Three Part Specifications - The Plans to Your Building

MCDLG is Here to Help - Products, Specifications, and More

The Condenser: Free Area - The Space Between Blades

The Four Types of UL Life Safety Dampers

The Condenser: Containing the Blaze

The Condenser: Electric Actuation

Seven Specialty Applications for Louvers

Maintaining Control Dampers: Best Practices for Damper Maintenance

AMCA 540 and AMCA 550: Tougher Tests for Hurricane Louvers

2019 - A Year in Review with MCDLG's Ken Wahlers

Backdraft Dampers - One-Way Airflow

Louvers for Every Occasion? - Louver Selection and Application

Industrial Dampers - For Heavy Duty Applications

Maximizing Efficiency with Louvers

Thin Line Louvers for Architectural Designs and PTAC

Parallel or Opposed Blade Dampers? Control Dampers and Blade Action

Louver Blades - A Primer

Control versus Balancing Dampers - The Difference Between Dampers

Louver Aesthetics - Design Options for Architectural Louvers

Five Types of Dampers in HVAC and When To Use Them

Anatomy of a Submittal

A Year in Review with Ken Wahlers, President of MCDLG

Actuators - Making Adjustments

AMCA Testing - AMCA Seals for Louvers

Drain Pans and Sill Extensions - An Explanation

AMCA Testing for Louvers - Water Penetration

MCDLG Interview - David Saulten on Louvers and the A'18 Conference

AMCA Testing - Wind Driven Rain

MCDLG Interview - David Saulten on A'18 and Wind Driven Rain Louvers

MCDLG Interviews - Greg Crosby on NFPA 2018 and UL Life Safety

Mestek Commercial Damper and Louver Group

MCDLG is a collective of top-tier HVAC brands.
  • Arrow United Industries
  • Air Balance
  • Cesco Products
  • Louvers & Dampers
  • Airline Louvers

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We build every louver and damper from the ground up to meet your specifications. Our team works to ensure that you get the best solutions for your project's requirements.

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